Monday, March 23, 2009

27 weeks and counting

So here we are! Still pregnant! The only time that I have been grateful that the doctors in Philly were wrong. Bed rest has been boring. I know it is necessary but as I sit (lay) on the couch all day I make a mental list of things that I would be doing if I was able, then I tell Mike a few things and he does them (very impressive!!). It is amazing how I always thought that I was a lazy person because all I ever wanted to do was lay on the couch for hours. Now I realize I was exhausted from all that I was doing...lazy people don't get exhausted.
So from my place on the couch I have learned many things. First, I learned that Marissa has got to be the silliest almost 2 year old on the face of the earth. She loves to be goofy and borderline crazy. She loves to see babies on TV and squeals every time they are on. And she loves commercials. She will goof off no matter what show is on but will stop and stare at the TV when the commercials are on.
I have also learned that Darrin is a wonderful helper. He keeps Marissa in check for me, making sure she stays away from the stairs or any sharp or potentially hazardous objects. He actually was a little offended last night when my mom came over to put Marissa to bed since I can't lift her into the crib. He asked why she was coming and when I told him he said "Mom, I can do that you know." My bad little man, my bad.
I also learned that Mike is the best husband that I ever had :). I told him that today and he laughed. Seeing how I have never been married before, he has no competition for that achievement and I'm not sure he knew what to say.
So that is my update for now. Not very exciting but neither is my life at the moment, and that is a good thing!!!


  1. I disagree, I am lazy every day and it just drains all of my energy. Avoiding manual labor takes alot out of you.

  2. Spoken by a true professional! Keep your head up sista. -Teddy
