Monday, April 27, 2009

More Surgery This Week

We don't know when it will happen but we know it will be this week. She is getting scheduled for two surgeries at the same time. One will be to fix the duodenum blockage that she has and the other will be to place a reservoir in her head to allow them to remove excess fluid as it fills up around her brain (this will be temporary until she is big enough for a shunt).
Once she recovers from this round of surgery she will be able to start "eating". She will start off by getting fed through a tube that goes through her nose down to her belly. This is normal for preemies until they are strong enough to suck on a bottle. Then we will wait for her to get big and fat : ) ! When she is big enough they will talk about plans for her heart and shunt placement in her head.
Other exciting things that happened today.... she had a swallowing study done today to check for leaks in the areas where her last surgery was done. There are no leaks! Woo Hoo! The surgeons will come and see her in the morning and decide if her chest tube can come out. The rumor is that once that is out we will be able to hold her, even with her breathing tube in! But that remains to be seen as each nurses point of view on that is different. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but am excited!

Lots of stuff happening this week! Please pray for her to remain stable, for a successful surgery, and for a SMOOTH recovery (last recovery was very very rough)!

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